As many of you know I've endured a great deal over the past 4 months. The deaths of three close friends within 5 weeks of each other, the last coming just weeks before Christmas, frankly, brought me to my knees. We also went through a very difficult phase with the businesses and it took a lot out of both of us. I made it through these events in part because of the great love and support of my friends. And then January brought it's own bizarre events that will make my memoirs just that much more exciting.
I am in the process of trying to determine exactly how I should approach this blog, I had actually considered deleting it until a couple of you stepped in and stopped me. Now that I've decided to keep it, I have some issues that I will need to put to bed. The first is that over the next few months I will be posting tributes to my recently departed friends. This is a very difficult thing for me, but I have to make the attempt.
The second is my work life. It is going very well after some serious trouble, but I have decided against 'blogging' it. I just can't compromise my position at the company with poorly thought out diatribes. I also won't be posting any more of my retail hell experiences, mainly because I am not working on the retail floor any longer (NOSOAPFORYOU!!!). And to be honest the self-centered nature of our culture is boring me to tears, so I'm done pointing it out, because to be honest, no one cares.
I will be revisiting some old stomping grounds, Mashups, Tony Bourdain, BSG, Geeky stuff, Current TV, The Colbert Report, and The Daily Show and some new stuff like computer tips and tricks, iTunes, and my thoughts on other new technology.
Stay tuned for a pretty big "blog makeover" and some updated functionality . . .
And possibly a name change . . .
Not even some great liners? Like
"Come on down from your Eiffel Tower". Because really? How could you not?
Welcome back!
Now that I've "let this bullet out of the gun and can't put it back since my finger is on the trigger" I will definitely not be posting my coworker's inane statelyments. No matter how hard you beg to differ.
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