Sunday, December 05, 2004

Retail Hell

O.K. here it is boys and girls, your chance to tell your worst customer stories. Just hit 'comment' and vent your spleen. I know you have some whoppers to tell (especially you ladies at SLJ) so here's your chance to tell the world, or at least the dozens of people reading this thing . . .

Question of the day:

C: "My husband bought something for me here a couple of years ago, do you still have it?"

Me:" What was it?"

C: "I don't remember? But his brother bought one too, if that helps?"

Me:" Can you be a little more speciific?"

C:"Um . . . well . . . it was really nice . . ." *shrugs*

Enjoy yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not posting as much as I could because I picked up a stomach virus from one of the filthy bastards (oops, I mean customers) that feels like it came directly from the heart of the Amazon.

So, enjoy yourselves.



tim said...

C: I'm looking for a candle for a friend

T: (POINTING TO CANDLES) Well we have all these candles, votives, travel, pillar, decorative, aromatherapy, and much, much, more.

C: Well I'm looking for a four dollar candle.

T: We have these votives here for two bucks and these travel ones for five bucks

C: It's just that I spent all my money at Eddie Bauer and Old Navy already today and I just don't want to spend too much in your store (FEEBLE LAUGH)

T: (FAKE SMILE APPEARS) I see, well here are our canldles (WALKS AWAY)

C: Um . . .I see

I go and wait on real customers for a while and this person approachs the counter with two four dollar soaps.

T: I see you've found something . . . great!

C: Yes they were cheap (FEEBLE LAUGH)


C: Oh, can I get each of them gift wrapped?

T: I would be glad to, but I'll have to charge you for the second bag . . .

C: Oh, how much is the bag

T: 59 cents

C: Hmmm . . . I guess I'll pass

T: (MOVING ON TO THE NEXT CUSTOMER IN LINE) Well, have a nice day.

C: Can I use your phone? I need to check on my car . . .

T: I'm afraid our phone is for business use only, there is a pay phone right around the corner.

C: Oh . . . um . . . well . . .

T: (TO NEXT CUSTOMER) Did you find everything you were looking for today?

Anonymous said...

I got a classic one today. An older woman with a Gucci bag and YSL logo hairclip (?!), asked me "Are these priced as marked?" Yes, I reply, they are actually the price that is on them.