Thursday, October 14, 2004

Spa update

Someone stole our sign that we had in the doorway to the spa. Luckily it was only a temporary one, since our new sign and sandwich board aren't finished yet. We have no leads as to who might want our sign, but we have replaced it.

A woman came in the store yesterday and told me that she was naming her new catering company . . . are you ready for this? . . . "Dish Catering". . . . *sigh* She proceded to talk right over me, until I told her that she was going to have to talk to Kathy about it. Then she got all nervous, because I was very clear about who was in charge over there and apparently she knows Kathy. She called and left Kathy a message and Kathy hasn't called her back yet.

The landlord has finally finished his work in the building. Exactly two-hundred and forty-two days after our original opening date of February 15th. And 75 days after July 30th, the date he "promised" that we would be open by.

We've been getting alot of appointments and this is good, but we've also had a ton of cancellations as well. After talking to other practioners we've discovered that this kind of thing has been going on a lot lately. Very odd.

On a personal note, I've just learned that a very dear friend of mine may have cancer and it's really thrown all of us for a loop. I'm going to attempt to keep that kind of personal stuff seperate from my little journal, but if it pops up you'll just have to bear with me.

O.K. . . . So I take a break from writing this message and go to help Kathy at the spa and as I step outside I see, about half a block away, a man collapse onto the sidewalk and roll in to the street! I dial 911 and run over as a group of people are gathering and since we're just a couple hundred feet from a fire station someone runs over and within a minute there are paramedics on the scene. I think he had a heart attack.

Can I go back to bed now?

1 comment:

Dean said...

Holy Moly! I can honestly say that I've never seen a person 'collapse'. Seeing that must either: knock every thought out of your head or bring your thinking into very clear focus. Hope the guy's O.K.

So do you think she wants to be be Dish Catering because she knows about your store/spa and wants to capitalize on your rep somehow? I'm kinda confused as to why she would even come in and tell you about it unless the above were in her head. Just across the street from us is a brisket/chicken place named Dawn's Dish, so I guess 'dish' and 'food' names aren't completely unheard of. Maybe you could suggest 'Fine China Catering' to her or 'I Have No Original Ideas for a Catering Company Name' as an alternative?

And we still need to phone call one another and figure out some get together time for the three of us...and Aaron if he can swing it.