Monday, October 31, 2005

Battlestar Galactica

If you haven't caught the new Battlestar Galactica on the SciFi channel, you're really missing some cool shit. I think it's even better the the Dune series that was on SciFi. It's kinda geeky at first but it will suck you in like a Cronenberg film. Don't say I didn't warn you. You can rent season one at your video store.

Saturday, October 29, 2005

Back from a loooong hiatus

So, how've you been? Good, good. Me? Oh fine, just fine. Things have been very stressful around the old ranch these days. Yup, still working too much. No, no still not married. I know fifteen years is a very long time. We barely have time to do all of the things we need to do for the businesses. Oh, yes, you haven't heard? We opened our spa last year, almost exactly a year ago today. It's going o.k., you know gas prices and GWB's economic vodoo has really hurt small business and we're no exception. Yeah, you could say that it's been a very stressful year *laughs*, that's the understatement of the year. I guess I felt like I needed to start posting here again in order to chronicle my life and times. Postarity and all that rot. So here goes.

The rebirth of a blog . . .

Those of you new to this thing should go back and read a few of the older posts (especially Mr. / Mrs. Tourist)