Retail Hell
O.K. here it is boys and girls, your chance to tell your worst customer stories. Just hit 'comment' and vent your spleen. I know you have some whoppers to tell (especially you ladies at SLJ) so here's your chance to tell the world, or at least the dozens of people reading this thing . . .
Question of the day:
C: "My husband bought something for me here a couple of years ago, do you still have it?"
Me:" What was it?"
C: "I don't remember? But his brother bought one too, if that helps?"
Me:" Can you be a little more speciific?"
C:"Um . . . well . . . it was really nice . . ." *shrugs*
Enjoy yourselves, ladies and gentlemen, I'm not posting as much as I could because I picked up a stomach virus from one of the filthy bastards (oops, I mean customers) that feels like it came directly from the heart of the Amazon.
So, enjoy yourselves.